Jack and Huyen (‘Wen’) established Think to provide elite, individualized instruction to students of all ages and backgrounds. Think is a community center for education that helps primary and secondary school students get ahead in English Language Arts, Writing Composition, Social Studies/History, and Mathematics. Think also specializes in teaching primary school students how to read.
Jack has been teaching students from the elementary level to the university level for the past 15 years. During that time, he has taught a wide variety of English, History, ESL, and Test Preparation courses in both the United States and in Vietnam. A Fulbright Scholar fluent in Vietnamese, Jack received his Ph.D. in History from the University of Michigan in 2014. He develops all of the programs and instructs most of the courses at Think.
Huyen had just earned a B.A. in Software Engineering and was embarking on a career as an IT professional when she met Jack in Hanoi. After they married, Huyen left her native Vietnam for the unknown in the United States. In the short span of time Huyen has been in the U.S., she has gone from English-language illiteracy to a full academic scholarship at the University of Washington, and degrees in both Communication and Sociology. This is of course to say nothing of her indispensable contributions at Think, where she has combined her passions for social justice, mathematics, and working with young people. Huyen leads all math programs at Think.